Thursday, February 27, 2014


I felt the need to briefly acknowledge the richness of life that comes from having good friends. While I adore my husband and love my children, my "girlfriends" have become such a source of refreshment and encouragement. Our small group Girl's Night Outs have become a necessity in my life. Do we all know each other well?  Hmm, not yet, but it sure is fun to get together and hear that we're not alone in motherhood!

Melanie's story of her son wearing one black sock and one white sock to school, absolutely hysterical. Hearing Lori's memories of a state I grew up in, priceless. Holly's reflection of what her company did to help her during a tragic time in her life, remarkable. Amy's strength through motherhood during her husband's deployment, inspiring.
Yes, many more to share.
The little reminder is to stay refreshed as a woman through friendship.

It starts small; it starts awkwardly. Yes, I did feel out of place, but I knew I would find likeminded friends if I just kept showing up.

Guess, what, I totally did!

This is my sweet friend, Michelle. 
We share a love for Maroon 5, Ulta, and all things crafty (just kidding about my love for crafts…it doesn't exist. She's my lifeline for being crafty.)

A friend loveth at all times…~ Pro. 17:17

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