Monday, November 23, 2009

Epcot for Mike's Birthday


If those are the choices, thank you for this.

Financial ruin is happening all around us. We hear stories of people going hungry, living in shelters, and even living in tents in the woods. But no longer is it the bum who has never worked a day in his life. No longer are shanty towns for people who are considered "low life" by society.
Now, these tales of woe are from your neighbors, friends, and even family.
I know...
because I'm one of them. No not the ones living in shanties or in tents, but I have gone without a meal or two. I have been worried whether we will have a place to live in a year.
It's all very troubling and depressing, but I can tell you from first hand knowledge; I would rather lose every material possesion I own and have my husband and children healthy, happy, and well.
I have been reading some very heavy and yet inspiring blogs of friends and others that have lost their newborns to devistating illnesses. Having had a miscarriage myself, going without a meal seems trivial.
We are encouraged to give thanks even in tribulation. I am learning more and more the power of that encouragement...In everything give thanks.
Another quote that contines to haunt me is "That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
How many times in my own pity for myself have I said that I must be the strongest person in the world. Not true. On those pity days, I hope to remember this, Lord, if these are my choices, thank you for just taking all my money away.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

When I Can't sheep involved.

It is odd how when I am about to fall on my face in exhaustion, my mind is wide awake. Therefore it is unlikely that I will get any rest anytime in the near future...allowing me to write this blog which is (as you may have observed) about nothing. :)

The trouble with zombie writing is, until all the creativity or energy is out of my system, I am doomed to go down this long weary road of hearing the clack, clack of my nails hitting the keyboard and not really doing any good to anyone. However, in some small way, I am quickly allowing every thought in my head to escape to this page as soon as it arrives in hopes of quickly putting my thoughts to rest.

For instance, I was laying in bed, thinking about what to wear to church tomorrow. Why? Is it really necessary for me to think a day in advance about my Sunday attire? Nope. That's just what my brain was focused on rather than going into "hypersleep."

Okay, another thought I had was..."Why do I own mainly black shoes? Why don't I buy some with some color?"  Again, more thoughts of nothing and definitely not condusive to slumber.

So, have I gotten anywhere with this empty, fill the page blog?

Yawn.....I think, perhaps ;)