Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Anyone else have a relative or friend that has unlimited advice and wisdom concerning YOUR children?
While I'll admit that I have given parental advice without being asked, I can tell you that it wasn't obnoxious and overbearing.

Today, I am complaining and whining online about those who are close to me who had perfect children (supposedly) and who never needed advice or help with parenting.
Yes, I am breaking my silence.
Yes, I am creating a scene...somewhat.

I am tired of hearing how your son walked at 12 mos...
I am tired of hearing how your son was potty trained as soon as he was born (now, I'm just exaggerating, I'll admit it)
I know that my daughter isn't potty trained yet.
I know that I let her walk on our sectional sofa.
I know that I let her play with our coasters.
I know that she loves to play with toys on the furniture.
I have taught her to not touch the electric outlets (even though I have cover on them)
I have taught her to be lovey dovey (and on purpose)
No, I hate the outfit you bought her, even though I pretend to love it. (she looks like an eighties exerciser in it)
No, I don't plan on potty training her until she's ready.
No, I won't stop her from handing tools to her daddy to pretend that she's "helping".
Yes, I do think that books are grand.
Yes, I do think that leaving a baby alone with a bottle in it's mouth isn't good parenting. (occasionally required, but not EVERY TIME)
Yes, I do let my daughter drink from a cup even though I know that she'll make a mess.
Yes, I do give my daughter attention when she needs it, even if it means getting off the phone from talking to you.
Yes, I do read baby books and research parenting online.
No, I am not willing to have a "stick my head in the sand" approach to parenting. Just because you gave your children rice cereal at two weeks old and you think that breastfeeding is gross, doesn't mean that I have to.
Yes, I do think that children should be involved in family get togethers and not shoved into another room with a TV in it because they're being too loud.

I could go on and on. I'll admit it. To you, this loving person in my life, I may seem like a complete retard. I shower my daughter with affection and love. I want to be with her as much as possible. I don't make her cry herself to sleep and never check on her. Yes I do worry that you will spank her even though you are not her parent.

But, your opinion doesn't matter to me.

When my daughter looks and me with her big, hazel eyes, and says "Momma!" It's all the reassurance that I need.

And by the way, my husband thinks I'm pretty awesome, too.

~If you're a mom, struggling with a demanding "voice" in your life, please comment...~

Monday, January 11, 2010

"Put this in your status for an HOUR if you know someone who has AUTISM. Let our children's voices be heard. Here's to 2010 increasing awareness, research, and proactively finding answers!"