Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cloud 9

I must admit that I didn't think that I would hear from Mike until I was standing by his side on Family Day at Fort Jackson. BUT!!!! Tonight I was able to talk with him for 27 minutes. There is nothing like falling in love with your man all over again. I have had the biggest cheshire cat smile on my face since I heard him say, "Hey, Babe!" Yes, the butterflies are back in my stomach and that nervous feeling that I had when we were dating is here once again. This time, it is deeper and more overwhelming than ever before. Amazing that after six and a half years of marriage to this man, I love him more passionately than ever, and I know that he feels the same way about me. Isn't it wonderful to hear how much your husband loves you in his voice? Nothing makes my heart happier. I'm on Cloud 9.


  1. Isn't it funny how normally you hate getting calls from unknown numbers and now you look forward to them? :)

  2. Marlie... I am so happy for you! That is the best feeling in the world, even though I don't know what it feels like to be away from Scott that long... Every year he does go to a camp for kids with cancer and is gone 8 days (which is not really that long) and every year its the so hard, b/c I can't even talk to him... I can't imagine what you must be feeling... You, Nell and every other Army wife out there are my heros... my heart goes out to you and I'm sending you thoughts of love, peace and joy... and for time to fly by!!! Love you...
