Wednesday, December 22, 2010

So...we made it!

We officially live in Texas. I promised myself after several visits to Longview, Texas as a teenager, that I would never go back to Texas. Wow....serious curveball in my life....never saw it coming. Military lifestyle and ....well....Texas. It's really, really big and barren, but there is a certain beauty to it. We drove through the city of Houston on our way to Fort Hood, and I'll admit it, it was beautiful. The weather is decent. I do however miss the green of Florida. The tan and brown colors everywhere are shocking to my system; as is the wind due to no trees...I miss! Overall we are settling in well and adjusting nicely. I look forward to some four day weekends to go explore more of Texas.

1 comment:

  1. Come explore East Texas...we have the East Texas Pines...LOTS of trees! the further west you go, the smaller the trees...actually they more resemble bushes.
