Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Milkshakes, sandboxes, and graduations

Why is it that some of the simplest things in life can also be the most joyful?

Our day consisted of learning how to make milkshakes, searching for used homeschool material, watching graduation via Skype, and playing in the sandbox until dark. I walked outside to check on our kids to find them dumping sand from their sandbox into their clothes. For a brief moment, I thought to call out to them to come take a bath, but I held that "mom" sentiment inside and just watched them instead.
The light of the day drifted away, and a few minutes later they were covered in not only sand but also darkness. I switched the light on the back patio on for them, and just watched them. They had no interest in coming inside or getting cleaned up or even about what was for dinner. They were completely enveloped in the moment laughing loudly and talking briskly.
Lesson One~ sometimes it's okay to just "be."
Our ice cream shop has been open for a month and a week. I honestly cannot believe how much fun and how stressful one little ice cream shop can be. I love it. When I'm there, I love communicating with customers and trying new ideas. When I'm not there, I'm thinking about what kind of ice cream we can try next time and how we can make our shop more efficient. As a small business owner, my world is consumed with "what ifs" and "why nots". I struggle to find a place for each question, and often find myself forgetting what I was doing mid thought….this goes along with being a mom in general, I know.
Lesson Two~ embrace the chaos
In November of last year, my husband and I decided to homeschool our daughter. It was a very well thought out and planned decision, but it was a decision made before we started a second business. I had no idea how much it would change the way our family operates on a daily basis. Our daughter finished her Kindergarten curriculum this week, hence my need for new options. My search for used homeschool material was successful today. I will pay 1/3 of what I would have for new material, and I will be able to use the rest of my homeschool budget for new ideas (such as Rosetta Stone). 
Lesson Three~ don't do what everyone else does if it doesn't work for your family.
Due to our new venture, graduation season has hit much like allergy season…all of a sudden, even though I knew it was coming. My baby brother graduated from high school this evening, and we were able to watch it via Skype. Would I rather have been there in person? Absolutely, yes. Am I glad that we had a different alternative to see it live? YES! 
Lesson Four~ roll with it.

Four lessons that I already knew, but sometimes, actually going through those experiences as part of a lesson is more rewarding than knowing ahead of time what to do, think, and feel.

Tonight, I am grateful. My life is full….

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dreaming of Ice Cream

In case you didn't know, Mike and I are opening an ice cream shop. It has been very scary and yet exciting during the planning and now in the construction phase of this process. I have had emotional shifts from being thrilled to doubtful all in the same day. I guess that's what previous failure will do to you. BUT, I am giving it my all.

                                                          So, here it is. Our shop!

Have you ever had that constant feeling of self doubt that can plague you when you're taking on a new challenge? I struggle with the sense of "I've tried this before and I failed miserably"on a daily basis. My challenge through this store opening is not selling ice cream, but it is overcoming myself to become a better, more hopeful person.

Two different types...

The wonderful man I married often gets "restless" when he doesn't have a huge project looming before him. He loves to challenge the "normal" and push boundaries of what can and can't be done. I on the other hand, love the mundane. I thrive on a well balanced schedule; he thrives on chaos.  I have gone from being a sounding board for his ideas to a partner in "our" endeavor. I would listen to his dream from the night before of ice cream shop ideas to now having my own dreams of what the shop could look like and what we could accomplish down the road. This shop has forced us to work together and to communicate better which makes our lives flourish as never before.

Here is the man of the hour…taking down the old sign.

So, here's to ice cream and to HOPE. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014


I felt the need to briefly acknowledge the richness of life that comes from having good friends. While I adore my husband and love my children, my "girlfriends" have become such a source of refreshment and encouragement. Our small group Girl's Night Outs have become a necessity in my life. Do we all know each other well?  Hmm, not yet, but it sure is fun to get together and hear that we're not alone in motherhood!

Melanie's story of her son wearing one black sock and one white sock to school, absolutely hysterical. Hearing Lori's memories of a state I grew up in, priceless. Holly's reflection of what her company did to help her during a tragic time in her life, remarkable. Amy's strength through motherhood during her husband's deployment, inspiring.
Yes, many more to share.
The little reminder is to stay refreshed as a woman through friendship.

It starts small; it starts awkwardly. Yes, I did feel out of place, but I knew I would find likeminded friends if I just kept showing up.

Guess, what, I totally did!

This is my sweet friend, Michelle. 
We share a love for Maroon 5, Ulta, and all things crafty (just kidding about my love for crafts…it doesn't exist. She's my lifeline for being crafty.)

A friend loveth at all times…~ Pro. 17:17

Monday, February 24, 2014

Co-op, Emma's birthday, and News!

Mondays are the days that seem most hectic and to be honest, NUTS!!!!!! at our house. But, I absolutely adore them. Along with regular schooling, house work, glitter, and non stop imagination, our Mondays include participating in our local Homeschool Co-op. Now, just in case you don't know what "co-op" is, co-op is literally a cooperation of parents who setup, teach, and pack up a school environment for their kids once a week. We gather to give our kids the opportunity to see that other kids are taught at home too! It's a great time of parent led education and socialization. We love it!
Both Emma and Jensen go to classes that have kids their own ages in them. They both have art, music, learning, and playtime coordinated for their age levels. I get to participate in other classes with older kids and discuss curriculum and ideas with other home educating moms and dads. The co-op lasts for three hours, and our kids come home as excited chatter boxes ready to go the next week. 
Here is the link for more information:

In other news, Mike and I are in the process of opening a new business. I am so excited to see Mike's "brain child" come to fruition. This is not to say that I am completely without fear and trepidation; I have to admit that our past failure in the Florida construction industry does play a huge part in my nervousness. However, I refuse to allow that fear to hold me back from pursuing something new. More to come on that subject as it progresses. #2scoops

Did I mention that Emma turned SIX?! I won't discuss it, because I am in serious denial. 

She got this guitar for her, yah, we (Mike and I) did this to ourselves. Anyway, I am enjoying having my sweetie pie girl home everyday, although starting home education has in no way slowed down her growing up! Boo! 
(As a side note, the school that Emma was attending just tested in dead last in its district. That's all I'm going to say about that.)

So there it is, a bit about our crazy, fun lives!

Pray for me,


Friday, January 10, 2014

A Change

If you have followed this blog at all, you know that I am terrible about posting updates. I originally thought, "It would be great to have a family blog that family and friends could read." Really? HA!
Kind of funny now that I rethink it. All of our family is on Facebook, and I regularly update far away grandparents with recent grandkid pictures via Instagram.
 Why a blog?
I have no idea. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I realized soon afterward that posting a cutsie wootsie (yes, I make up words) blog about kids and family life really is not me.

So what is "me"? Hmm...I'm all over the place concerning what this outlet should contain. I have a great deal of (check out my fb page Tried and True), kids, homeschooling (a recent endeavor that is awesome!), marriage, Christianity, being a transplant Texan (love for this state is in the water, I swear!), conservative values (yes, I am 'that' kind of person), beauty, fashion (yes, well, on my Pinterest page anyway), movies (yah, another fb page Movie Buffs Unite), and recently shooting (yep, my hubs gave me a Taurus 9mm for Christmas...I haven't used it yet, but I hope to tomorrow...ah, the life of a mom).

I'm changing the tone of this blog from family to whatever peaks my interest at the time, and I hope to develop my writing skills and interests greatly as a result.
