Monday, April 18, 2011

Jensen man is ONE!

The proof is in the cake on this one. He demolished his oversized, banana (his fave) stuffed cupcake.

What an incredible boy he is. He's attempting to walk on his own; with his hands on the furniture or walls, he is as fast as can be. Finding his voice, has been the biggest accomplishment as of late. I often have Emma telling me what he is trying to "yell", and encouraging her to let him talk. "But, Mommy, he is so loud!"

Yes, Jensen is loud. He has not learned that there is a volume at which humans communicate, or that the same sound for different things (happy, sad, mad) doesn't get the point across.

Our sweet girl is three

It's very hard to believe that our baby girl is three. This picture was taken a month after her birthday at her "Party #2" when her grandparents came to visit.

She has brought so much joy into our lives. Everyday she amazes me with how smart and how compassionate she is.

I'm enjoying her at this age, but it is proving to be unchartered territory. Jensen is the "easy" one right now. ;)

"Mommy, you have a big mouth."

"Thanks, sweetheart."

My wonderful three year old daughter said this to me this morning. do you react to that?!

One thing I remember distinctly from childhood, was the Halloween that I said, "Dad, you're a smart alec." I got a spanking. (this was obviously some time ago when discipline was at the discretion of the parent and not the state.)

I will never forget that day. I was four and I meant it as a compliment. I really thought that I was telling my dad, in an important way, how smart he was.

I promised myself at a very young age that I would give my kids the benefit of the doubt (well, not in those words)...basically, I would believe my kids. I told my dad that day that I didn't know what it meant...spanking anyway.

Parents are given 1,000 battles a day. Choose them wisely. Listen. Try to understand where your kids are coming from.

I know that Emma did not mean what she said in a negative way.

And quite, frankly, yep, I have a big mouth. ;)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Family Update

Today is our baby boy's first birthday. Just the thought of how big he has gotten in the past year could bring me to tears. It is an amazing and a horrible thing at the same time. Amazing, because he has grown and changed into more of a toddler than a baby; and yet, horrible, because I'm losing my "baby" seemingly already. (no, it does not make me want to have another one :)

Emma has been an incredible big sister. She has adapted not only to her daddy becoming an "Army man", but also in becoming a big sister. She has amazed me by how much she loves and adores her brother. They are already such good buddies. Oddly enough, she gave Jensen is first nickname "Jensen man" and his second nickname "buddy".

Mike is doing well. He is such an amazing man and a good soldier. He always surprises me with how talented and versatile he is. I am a very proud army wife.

We both are overwhelmed with raw emotion because of his upcoming deployment. It is a very stressful thing to go through, but I am confident in us...we will get through this, stronger and more in love than ever.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Just a blurb...

Last week I was called "white trash" and a "beautiful mother" by two different strangers.

Let's just say that Killeen, TX is a very weird place.

Our own terms

I often look at this blog and think, gee, I should post something on there. I feel really motivated and then...I think...oh, that's right...someone will read it...and judge me.

Kinda seems funny. Me...the girl who has rarely cared what someone says to me is now this "I'll hear about it later" thinker.

It's true though. Once you begin opening up, people start judging. I get very tired of it.

Especially about this upcoming deployment. Everyone knows how to get through it. Everyone has advice. Problem is, no one is in my shoes or those of my husband's. No one knows our connection, our relationship. Funny, I thought that I would meet someone who is like me one day...have yet to find that "best friend". Quite frankly, my husband is my best friend. Yep, I know, everyone says that, but we are for real. We would rather be together than with anyone else. We are each other's sounding boards. We are the first people we think of to call when something good or bad happens when we are apart. Interesting, and quite funny...we are unique. I love that. I love us.

I just talked to a woman who is actually happy that her husband is leaving because he annoys, that is harsh.

I had an advice giver say that I needed to find my own life without my husband. Hmmm...maybe you didn't hear me...I'm married. :) I don't want a different life from my husband; so, needless to say, I am sifting through "advice" and using only what works for me and not conforming to anyone else's life.

We are overwhelmed with emotion right now. It's rough. We will get through this, but it will be our own way.